Sunday, August 19, 2012

DIY: Skull- cut- out- Tee

Hello guys! I'm here again! I haven't been updating my blog for awhile. Sorry! Recently, I'm addicted to making clothes. DIY (do it yourself) As you can see, this post is about DIY again! Yeah! I bought this Tee from Bossini which cost me RM23. But you can buy 2 at RM33, which is more worth. Okay, shall we start the tutorial now?

 Plain Tee (any colours you like)
Remember, buy a bigger size.
If you're wearing S size please change it to M size, this will makes your outfit look better.

 Turn it to the back.
Put a cardboard or a book in the middle of the clothes. 
It will makes you more easy when you draw.

 Can you see the blue line?
If no it's okay.
Please refer to the next picture.

 Something like this.
Sorry, is kinda ugly, cause I'm using my phone apps to outline it.
But it just a concept. Don't worry about it!

 Cut it out slowly, and you will get this result.
Please be patient when you're cutting it, cause if not you gonna be like me.
I accidentally cut off a part (eye) and it become like this -.-

Boyish look  ❤
You can wear it with a long jeans if you want. 


Wear it with a singlet, so the shape will be more obvious.
If you wanna wear as sexy look, just wear it without the singlet.

So, have you start yours? If you don't really uderstand what I'm talking about. Just forget about it and please refer to Youtube, which is more clear. 

Liv the C'est la vie

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