Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DIY: Shirt Braiding

Well, today we shall play some different. Is not about nail arts. As you can see, yes I'm doing a tutorial of DIY your shirt. I found it out some of my clothes that I don't really wearing them, I feel is a waste if I throw it away. But these clothes are my present from my friends. So of course I won't threw it away. So let's begin! First of all, what you need is a pair of scissors only!


I'm cutting this 3 side. 

I get this result!

Next, fold your shirt into half.

Cut some line like picture below.

Then stretch it softly.

 Can you get something like that too?

Lastly, cut the last string into half.
Then tie it up.

 I end up like this!
Isn't easy?

But if you think is kinda blur watching the step that I tought. Please kindly refer to Youtube. Lol! I learned it from youtube. Will be trying out new idea! Stay tuned peeps! 

Liv the C'est la vie

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