Sunday, March 11, 2012

Japanese food fair ✡

My mum called me while I were working. She said that there a Japanese food fair at Gurney and lots of Hello Kitty and Stitch thinggyy. I was like NO WAY! I wanna go, but I can't. But you know what? My mum said nevermind, I'll fetch you there when you finish your work. I'm so happy that she said that to me. Awiiieee ❤ Thanks mum!

So, there it is...


My mum asked me do you want this? 
But... is so expensive.
So, I didn't bought it.
But I want that box ://

I didn't bought that Hello Kitty candy too.
Cause it seems untasty. Lol!
But I want the container! -.-
How childish am I.

My stuffy!

Popin cookin!
I bought one for my cousiee, Stella.
She is the one who introduce this cute stuffy to me.
I'm going to try this out!
Lots of people like to match Hello Kitty with Stitch, so do I :pp

I'm still like a kid. Who loves candy much! Hahahahahha! Oh ya, we just won a Ipad 2 at Queensbay, Motor fair. How lucky we are! Hahahhaha. Night peeps! 

Liv the C'est la vie

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