Monday, February 6, 2012

Indian Thaipusam coconut throwing ceremony ♡

Whooo yeahhh! I have been waiting for this festival for so long. I can't go there every year because of school day -.-  But now I have already graduated so I'm here! Let's have some fun baybehh!




1200 of coconuts? 
Yes I'm serious!
We order it every year 1200!
Woo yeah!
You think that's a lot? 
Hah! Scroll down and I'll tell you what happened. Lol!

Was helping my mum.

Cool huh? Playboy :p

People was like just 50? 100?
And they was like? 
A reporter came to us and took a picture of us Lol!
Wondering will I in the newspaper tomorrow? Hmmm...
Hahha! Think too much -.-



Com'on I'm waiting!!
Let's have fun!
You can hear the sound like "Piak" Piak" "Piak"!

See? There lots of people helping us.
They were standing right beside us since early in the morning.
For what?
"Helping" us to smash the coconuts.
According to their culture, you have to smash the first coconut that you took then broke it at first time and your wish will achieve.
Luckily, I broke it at the first time.
I hope my wish will achive. 

See? Within 15 minutes and it's all gone!

My hands are effing pain now.
But we did have lots of fun!

If you miss it, it's okay! There always be next time ;)) Thaipusam day will held on this Tuesday. If your interested you can go there for a look at their culture and do have some fun! It is near Jalan Gottlieb Road and Penang Chinese Girls' High School. Hope you have a jolly time! So see you next time!

Liv the C'est la vie :))

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