Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My loved one ❤

Stella Vella,

My pretty girl ❤

Thank you to be the one who always listen to me talking all the stuff that I'm suffering with ❤ And keep cheering me up! I'm appreciate what you have done to me. I'm glad to have a cousie like you. I doesn't have a sister. So, I really treat you like my sister. Althought I always bullying you that saying you're old. But you know, I'm just joking right? :)) We can always talking nonsense, playing nonsense, doing nonsense and keep hitting each other like 8. Hahahhahahha! I always like the moment that we lay down on the bed from 11pm and chit chatting until 4 something in the midnight. And sometimes I woke up early in the morning and I'm just too boring, keep waking you up. Doing those stupid stuff, keep shaking you, hit your butt, open the curtains and making you awake! Hahahahahah! How childish am I! Sometimes we did argue, but we turns good like 0.01 second. Hahhahaha! 

Still remember that we were playing in the bathroom together? (ofcoursenotnaked!Hahahah) I helped you wash your hair and you did it to me to. Awww, that's so sweet! Then, suddenly electricity went off and we keep laughing like hell in the bathroom. Making those video, and keep making us laugh! Lol!

Okay let me tell what is the actual meaning of Osomimo Chen!
Hahahhaha! Aunty Sherry gave this name for us.
Oso is me. Cause I have a "healthy skin tone" Lol! Oso means black Lol!
Mimo is Stella. She always eating like a turtle -.-  Mimo means do everything in slow motion Lol!

So, we name us as Osomimo Chen! ❤

Cousie love ❤

We took this like how many timess. Just can't keep laughing! Hahahahahah! You know some of my secret and I know some of your secret too. This is what always cousie do. When we're together, we're like so sampat. Laughing like sampat po! Thanks for caring me just now after you heard tsunami going to hit Georgetown ❤ Luckily, everythings is all right :))

So, thank you for everything! Love you to the maxx no matter what ❤ :*

Liv the C'est la vie

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