Friday, April 20, 2012

Fading nail art tutorial #10 ❤

 HELLO HELLO HELLO HELLO, PEOPLE! Yea I know, it's been ages I didn't update my blog. Sorry! My bad :// Actually, is not kinda long right? One week more? Lol! Last time, I used to update my blog once a week. But now.... mmaaa laziness kinapped me! :O Lol! As you know, my college life have already started so I can't spent to much time on blogging -.- Andd my business studies is going to have an exam soon. Like wtf! -.- I don't know what the heck is my lecturer talking about. Few days ago, my lecturer suddenly gave us a test. I was like WTF! My answer like so short, I saw others answer like Omg! Are you writing an essay? Like soo shitty lahhh! Super hate it!

Okay, let's back to the topic! One of my readers requested my to do this nail art tutorial. I took it like 2378654321 time. Lol! Sorry for the waiting. Heh! But now, I made this for you! :))

All you need to prepare are a sponge and some nail polish shown at above.

Paint a layer of base coat.

Second, prepare a sponge.
Any sponge :))

Flip it and make it more thicker.
So, it's easier to let you do the next step.

Take out some black nail polish and place it whatever you want. 
Of course, not on top of the tissue. 
Maybe a plastic will do.

Then, using the sponge and dip it.

Next, dip it from the top to the bottom.
Make sure that the strength that you dip is more softer.
p/s: dip it more darker on your tip.

Do you get the result like this?

Lastly, paint a layer of glitter and you're done!

Thanks for the reading! I hope this will help you! Hey you, don't forget to visit back ma blogg next time! Ohno! My computer seems like burning, going to off soon! Bye bye!

Liv the C'est la vie


DoMo Xiiao Hui said...

can u draw rilakkuma nails?:D

Liv the C'est la vie said...

Hmmm.... I'll try :))