Sunday, April 8, 2012

080412 ✡

Tomorrow is the day I start my college life,

Sickness please go away!


Well, my college life start officially tomorrow. Ohya, I still not yet told you all what courses am I taking. I'm taking A-level (Maths, Business & Account) in Inti college. So, I need to work more harder. Cause I heard some of them said that A-level is kinda stress and hard to study. Plus, I'm weak in studies or homework -.-  At first, I decided to take Fashion Design in Equator. End up! I'm taking A-level, I'm totally not interested! Lot of my friends, relatives and cousins are shocked when they heard I'm taking A-level. They were like, Huh? Why? I thought you're taking....... "Yeah yeah yeah" I already changed my mind. They are right, I should take a based first and then after that, I can go through what ever I want. I wish to become a fashion designer *funny* But I know, I can't easily to find a job here. Plus, I'm not going to work at other places like Paris? London? I don't think I can manage myself without my parents. To be honest, I'm not independent child. Toobad... I''m scared to start my college life tomorrow. I never thought this day would come. 

Words cannot express how nervous and excited I am. Just, wish me luck! ✌

Liv the C'est la vie

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