Friday, March 23, 2012

My nail polish collection ❤

Hey guys! One of my reader request me to do a post about my nail polish collection. Awww! So, I'm here to introduce all my baby stuffy. Althought it's not a high quality products like O.P.I or China glaze. Cause it's too expensive. I cant afford it but I'm a crazy fans of nail polish. So, the face shop, natural republic are the better choices for me! Hahahah!


Messy stuff :O

My dearest nail polish. 
I can't live without them!
*Natural republic
* The face shop
(Love them the most)
*Skin food
Some of them I have forgotten.
Oppss! Sorry!


Glitterish nail polish
Like the silver the most!

Souvenir from cousin.


My tools. 
Sorry for the dirtiness.

So, how was it? Hahahahahaha! Messy right? HAHAHAHAAHHA! Oh my gawdd, my idol have already arrived in KL, Girls' Generation! Aaarhhh, I wanna go so badly! I wanna meet them up, especially Yoona! I waited this chance for so long and where the heck am I right now? Penang -.- I have no transport! :'(( Anyway, I hope you guys will be back again, until next time I sure I'll be there to support you! Aja! Hope to see you soon, I'm waiting for the pink ocean ❤ ! So, that's for the post! See you guys! 

Liv the C'est la vie


Carmen said...

Hey mind telling whr did u get those double point thingy or whatever it is, and those tools? Thanksss :D

Liv the C'est la vie said...

Carmen, I bought it at Watson if I'm not mistaken. It name is Naga nail. The nail colour brush I bought it at Gurney. Just right outside the brikenstock there (small stall). And those brushes I took it from my seni boxes. Lol! :))