Thursday, March 1, 2012

My driving test!

The day before car test.
This is my first time I went to my driving lesson with Kai Yii. We all keep chit chatting non-stop. Uncle was like, are you guys having a party? Lol! Yea, it is! Cause we turn on the aircond, put on the music and took some foods to eat. Likeaboss! Hahahahahah! Ohyea! Me and Lin met our classmate, Khai Loo! Hhahaha! It's been so long, that I didn't seen her. Let's see some picture then!

Car test 290212
I was so nervous and I was shivering, like non-stop! -.- Whattheheck# I was in Sesi 2. Passed inside around 12 something. Uncle brought us to Mc Donald during break time. Is just three of us - me, Lin, Kai Yii. Lol! I finished around 5 something. Cool huh?! The weather like so suckz! Hot like hell. Sweating non-stop. Ihatesweating!

I'm in no. 31
My mum's lucky number.

I passed my driving test?

Can you actually believe that? Until right now, the feeling like so untrue. Seriously, I don't know what am I thinking about. Hahahha! Cause I keep thinking I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail. But the end, I passed? -.- Like really? -.- Hah! Wake up, CHIOU! Lol! I just want to tell you guys that I passed my driving test. canyoureallyactuallybelievethat? I wonder when my mum will allow me to drive my own. Lol! One month? Two months? Or sitting beside me like foreverr #likeaboss#? Hahhaa! Okay, goodebuhbye!

322 The most scariest things ever!

Liv the C'est la vie

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