Thursday, March 15, 2012

Flashback, Taiwan ✈ #2 Part 1

I still remember it was 07/07/2011. Woke up at 3am and preparing all the stuff and then heading to airport. When we were young, we want to travel to Taiwan so badly. Finally, we're here! But the feeling was so untrue. We were like ouh, we heading to Taiwan today? We didn't expressed any excited feeling. Weird* Oh ya, we went there by ourselve. Following tour is so boring. *DISLIKE* I went there for 8 days! I'm absent to school about 6 days :O

First stop: 台中
Day 1,

Cathay Pacific again!


Feeling so bored on the plane, so vaining again ;))


Sorry for the blurriness.
To be honest, I like 逢甲夜市 more than 士林夜市.


Not nice :O

Day 2,

It was 6 something in the morning.
So bright right?
I get shocked when I woke up.
I thought it was my time going crazy.




That's all for today. Stay tuned for my next Taiwan ✈ #2 Part 2! Night peeps! ❤

Liv the C'est la vie

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