Friday, February 24, 2012

Shuao the baby boy! ❤

Here's come the Shuao! ❤ I waited for my cousie to come back to Penang for so long :// Finally they came back on last week. My cousie's baby boy was here! Awwwieee~ He called me as "表姨", the "姨” seems so old for me. Prefer he calling me as 姐姐 lol!

He was so concentrating on that cutie bicycle.
 os: Daddy, daddy, are we done yet?

Hip hip hurray!

He is so adorable ❤

The mechanicians.

The future of Beethoven.

He was acting sleeping. 

I will miss you so much Shuao :'(( I hope I can go to Ausiee with my brother for few weeks. Sigh~ Hope so! Hahaha. Cute boy isn't he? My brother was crazy over him when he was in Ausiee -.- Lol! But, too bad! He was in England now, so he can't met his Shuao. Nyahahahhaha :pp That's all for today! Bye peeps! See you next time!

Liv the C'est la vie

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