Sunday, February 19, 2012

My sixth driving lesson with my baby Lin ❤

I know you guys might get shockk! Yea, this is my sixth driving lesson and I haven go for my pre-test. Hah! Uncle always forcing me to go. But end up, I win. Cause I'm too scared of it. Hahah! I know I'm kinda late, so I'm going to my pre-test todayy. Hahhaha! Nervousxxx* I'm going with my friend again, Lin. But we didn't talk much todayy :(( Cause we were busying for our driving lesson. Finally finish my driving practice. It's my pre-test time now. Oh my! Actually I don't know what I'm nervous for. It just a pre-test -.- But! I'm still very NERVOUSS. Kill me! Sitting alone on the chair, waiting for the tester calling my name. Finally! *Yu Chiou* First reaction, oh shitz I'm dead! -.- Step in that car, repeating the same step as previous what I have done. Okay! It's time to move the car. The car was so shitz! -.- I don't know whyyyyyyy. It's the same car with my uncle, but the clutch -.- The biggest problem is the CLUTCH! Okay, I'm ready to move. ALAMAKK! The enjin went off twice. Because of the clutch again. I presses the accelerator, release a bit of clutch, put down the hand break then move. But then the enjin still went off. I was so curious. Why? Oh ya! I remember, my uncle said their clutch need to release more. So that the car can move. Finally..... Next, when I was changing my gear to 2nd and I didn't realease the steering went senget -.- Lol! The tester quickly help me to adjust it. If not, *BANG*! I'm in the drain now. Lol! Finish the road, and went back. Woahh~ It was totally sucks in there. I don't know what happened to me. But! Luckily the tester called me to do it alone and then he went down. If not, I already failed. Lol! Just want to tell you that I passed my pre-test and I'm going to my car test on next wednesday with Kai Yii. I'm gonna nervous again. I think I'm gonna fail on next wednesday! Hahhahhah! I'm suchhz a COWARD!


My L lesen. Lol!
Stupid face :pp

Uncle said I'm from Disneyland -.-
Mickey mouse.

So.. That's all for the post. Hahah! I know is kinda boring reading my driving story. Hahaah! Sorry! So, I'm preparing my nail arts tutorial again! Stay tuned! Toodles!

*Love you to the maxx  ❤ *
I mean all of my baby nail polish 

Liv the C'est la vie

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