Thursday, February 16, 2012

My fifth driving lesson with my baby Lin ❤

Hello peeps! Guess what? I went to driving lesson today with my Baby Lin! Wheeee! Finally there's someone who accompany when I was driving. It was so fun todayy! We went there at 3pm. The weather is killing us! I'm boiling -.- I get in the car first, adjust the car sit. And ehh? Why I can't touch the clutch? Ommg! I become more shorter? It couldn't be! :// The uncle keep laughing at me. He said after working few days become so short? HAHAHAHAHAHAH! -.- Fine! I will jump more. I hope I can still grow more taller fingercroxx* While I was resting, there's a guy who smoke beside me. He keep blowing the smoke towards me. I was like whattheheck?! I wanted to tell him, Excuses me? Can you stop smoking towards me? It smells so EWWWW! But I not dare to do so -.- Okay, let see some pictures!

I'm sitting beside baby Lin.

It is 6pm. 
There's no car.
We were driving like crazy people. 
This is the first time I driving without any stress.

 Who's that? Lol!

My baby Lin ❤

Uncle was playing with me just now. He said, the tester was calling your name. Faster! I was like, UNCLE! I told you I don't want! I don't care! I call my mum and fetch me back. He said, how about your IC? I said, give you I don't want anymore. He said yalorr, you can make a new one. Your IC so funny -.- Of course lah uncle, I was standard 6 that time -.- Uncle keep forcing to go for pre-test. Urghhh! Again?! -.- Uncle! I still have no confident. Please :(( But... I'm going on monday with Baby Lin again. But is for pre-test -.- Arhhhh~ God save me! So, bye guys!

Liv the C'est la vie

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