Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bonjour! It's Saturday ✡

 It's Saturday! Hmmm... What to do? Went to Straits Quay with 2 couples -.- my cousiee. My younger brother is not going, so I'm planning not to go too. If I'm going I will totally be a BIG light bulb -.- Althought they say nothing, but I think that I'm doing so weird between them. But, if I'm not following them how they get there? So the conclusion is, I'M GOING.-.- "Hah"! I don't know why is my mood going up and down on that day. I have no idea what happened to me ://  Saw some pretty accessories. I just keep on trying those pretty rings, necklace, bracelet. I wish to bring them back so badly but too bad I forgot to bring my own money. My cousie wanted to buy for me but I doesn't want to accept it.

We went to Hai Nan Town restaurant for our dinner. What a hot wheather -.-


Try a new flavour,  coconut sobet.
It taste weird :O
More prefer lemon, orange and mango.

I look fat here. Lol!

What a happy family :))

Hahhahahha! My stupid face :pp
Ignore it. 
Hello Kitty outfit again!

Okay, thats all for today! Toodles! 
Liv the C'est la vie :))

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