Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I have a bad day ∞

I don't know why this will happened on me! I just can't believed that someone stoled my Ipad during my exam. I leave my Ipad in my bag at the "cubical" place and I went in to the exam hall. After 2 hours,  I was so happy cause today is the last day of my exam. Unfortunely, I lost my Ipad when I arranging my things. At first, I don't know at all. I just keep walking and walking, and suddenly I felt so weird. Why my bag was so light? And I knew it, there's something wrong. I opened my bag and my first reaction is SHIT! My Ipad was gone! I ran back to the cubical, library where ever places that I have been before. And the answer is still NO! My friend accompany to the Student affair office, and they said your the 7th student who lost their Ipad in cubical. I was like WTF? There is no any CCTV there. I cried and I phoned my mum. Luckily she didn't scolded me. But when I reached home, she scolded me face-to-face -.- "Lol" I lost all my pictures :'(( I didn't log out all of my account in Ipad facebook, twitter, instagram, foursquare, Line and more....... I just hope he/she can return my Ipad back. But it's impossible, the chances is 0%. HOPELESS! It ruined my day. I feel so stupid... I feel so annoying and I still need to change all the password -.- I think Inti should install more CCTV -.- -.- -.- -.- I won't bring anything to school anymore. EVER! DAFUQ!

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