Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The day before SPM result ✖

It's time to release some S. T. R. E. S. S! My friend called me to hang out and picked the date that I have an off day. So, let's go!

Imma shopaholic!

Forever 21 is always the best place to shop! I can spent above 2 hours in there! Lalllalalallal! How fun was that!

What next? 
Neway again! Hahahahahha!

I was playing with Lin's hat.
Taken by O. P. P 


Met Yi Wen!

It's time to chit chatting!
Chat time!

Pei Wen

Puey Ping


Get back home at 6 something. Trapped in traffic jam again. Sick* Okay! We're playing some crazy things. You guys might say what the stupid heck is that? Hahahahahahah! We were playing some accessories and mixed it together and make ourselve look like stupid, like me! Wanna see? Wait ya!

See! I matched all the things that about polka dots except for my pants! 
It makes me look like a "siao cha bor"
It's all polka dots!
Borrowed the hairband from Lin.
I look so nerd with it!
For sure, I'm not going out like that! Hhahahaha!

How crazy we are!

She put on all the things and mixed it.
Althought it looks weird.
But her expression was so cute!

Ouhh, I love that! ❤

Hey yo!
What's up!

 She's so cute lahh! 

Here's come the crazy one!

Take 1#
See my face! Hahahahahhahah!
I was pretending like a nerd!

Take 2#

Take 3#

Take 4#
Ilovethis #

What am I doing? Lol!

Thanks P. P ❤ 

Things that I have bought.
Polka dots's top and ring - Forever 21

Andddd..... Nail polish again! -.- 
I'm crazy over you you you you you! 


Nervouxxxx to the max!
321 SPM result!

Liv the C'est la vie

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